Monday, May 28, 2012

First posting on Living in Wild Alaska...

Here it goes, our first posting on Wild Alaska.  I hope to tell you about our lovely 35th wedding anniversary camp out on shore and get some pictures posted.  I hope all of you dear friends and family and friends of friends can follow us here.

It was a cold, rainy, and windy Monday.  The nearby (relatively - 65 mi. on logging roads) town of Thorne Bay is trying something new.  A current trend in cruise shipping are the eco tourists - small, only 30 - 40 passengers at a time hitting the smaller, less traveled spots.  Some anchored up in our cove last summer and let out kayakers to adventure.  So this one is stopping to a walking tour of the old logging town of TB and we locals are setting up craft booths to f lease them.  That is, give them an opportunity to buy authentic, Alaskan crafts made by us not imported.  I have my bear skinned blankets and fishy potholders.  Lar made the cutest tree stand for them.

Since May 21 was Beret & Erin;s first wedding anniversary and our 35th, we decided to stay on land and for a change of pace, go camping!  You know, camping, cooking over a wood fire, carrying water, a real change up from our normal life.

The spot we go to is on a lovely point overlooking an extremely rocky beach.  It is a cove just past TB so it collects logs that escape the mills.  TB gets the 15 - 25 ft. tides so combine wind and waves with logs and rocks and it gets some awesome driftwood sculptures.  Larry and I spent two early mornings at low tide exploring.  We took mainly photos but did some beach combing too.  The shells are just not the same here.

I got a little wild climbing on the kelp covered rocks.  I thought I saw an elusive giant red sea urchin in a cravass at low tide and just had to climb down to get it.  I slipped and severely bruised my tush.  I had visions of being stuck there in the rocks while the tide rushed in - not a nice vision.  I may have learned something.  I was saved by my great new Keen hiking boots and my walking staff.  Don't be without them.

The red sea urchin is still elusive.  This sighting was just a colorful anemone all tucked into itself.
We found a few more fiddlehead fern but around here when everyone is the earthy, sustenance type, the ferns were picked over.

The bear were staying in out of the rain - no sightings, but I did catch a glimpse of a Bigfoot (more on that later).


  1. Had to repost this comment:

    .... from our good friend Mary sent via email.

    She certainly has a way with words and we (Linn & I) look forward to her feedback.

    She along with many others had trouble with posting comments to our blog.

    For this reason we have added a couple page at the top of the page.
    ...How to comment....
    is an attempt to explain what worked for me posting a comment. I know it works on my Mac anyway and Linn's little PC.....if she isn't to close to it...she has a cosmic effect on anything electrical don't ya know :-)


    May 29, 2012 at 7:18 AM, Mary Sheline wrote:

    I tried but it would not accept my posting/comment on the Blog. I will have to try again later.

    " L&L: This is just simply the best idea you have ever had...and you have had more than your share of good ideas. But going to live in the wildernes....nose to snout with danger.....surviving the cold, the ice, the danger, staying alive on nothing by $40/a/pound fresh seafood.......just so you could entertain your friends and family with this Blog.....well, it's probably the most selfless and generous thing anybody's ever done for me (us)....and we just don't know how to thank you. Perhaps I will take up a collection to send you a CARE package of Old Bay Seasoning, lobster bibs and those cute little butter melters with candles, ya know? I hate picturing you living day after day in the hard-scrabble outback without any decent miniature seafood forks. Watch for the mail plane! God be with you in your hour of need."

    1. Thanks Mary. You better add in meat tenderizer, we just shot a bear!
