Thursday, August 9, 2012

Something is Smelling Fishy 'round Here

We have inadvertently discovered, (but then, isn’t that how all the best discoveries happen?) the most noxious smell on earth.  I am talking, eye watering, nose curling, leave the room, stink.  We could hold up banks, take over small countries, or chase away obnoxious, freeloading company.   Not that we often get company of any kind,

The substance you ask that causes such a reaction?  It is rotten bear brain paste.  Like I said it was by accident.  Zach and I had been out turning the compost pile and adding rotting fish, starfish, and dead mussels.  Foolish us, we thought that was the smell that we brought home.  We took turns scrubbing and taking off pieces of outer wear but we couldn’t solve the smell.
Finally on another trip out the door I noticed that the bear skull Jerry had recently brought up from a crab pot was dripping gray pasty matter from the brain stem.  One whiff of that and the mystery was solved.  We don’t have to burn our clothes, just drain the bear skull.

The skull is out to be shipped with the pelt to be turned into a rug.  I wonder what the postal worker will do with that package???


  1. Yuck, glad u found the culprit. Love u, Lynda

  2. Ew. I can smell it from here, I think.
