Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Looking Back ......Alaska

Looking back at Alaska from America (as we call up there) we live and do things a little different. When we listen ..... we hear silence except for the wind blowing through the trees or an eagle screeching time to time. 

We hunt, fish and trap for most of our food. When we get company visiting from time to time we hang on every word ......cause we may not see them again for quite a while. 

The only way to visit us is by sea plane or boat and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

You can't run down to the corner store and be back in 15minutes, we plan our trips to town and it takes all day.

We love to have friends and family come visit us so we can share what it's like living in the wilderness. 

We can share where the best fishing holes are and watch whales spouting off (we call it whale smoke) in the distance and sometimes up close too....

The cost of living is higher here than it is in America ....but we don't get anywhere to spend money as often so in the long run it seems to even out I think. 

It's a simple life ....living off the grid in a remote area away from the rat race....but who really needs all the stress.....like traffic jams, long lines in the stores,  little ticky tacky houses built on top of each other......not to mention the crazy's out there.......enough on that.....we will be outa here soon and back home to the wilderness..... 

......hope you enjoy the pictures (there's a lot of them so it may take a while to load if you have a slow connection). 

You are always welcome at our fire...
Just have to warn you .....once you visit Alaska it is hard to go back to the way you were before.

Cape Fox....visiting the big city....

Fishing fleet is in Craig for a couple days.

Road to town in the winters....chains are mandatory 

Making the run to town on winter day.

Sitka Blacktail buck.

Bear at Settlers Cove creek.....great salmon stream in the fall.

Char and Linn at our cabin.

Bear and Char exploring.

Char arriving.

Char as co-pilot

Corn dogs...a treat for lunch break.

Fog bow

Ben and Dale ....stopped in for some oysters while camping outa their boat for a couple months. Ben packing.....(44 mag) ...they camped in Kahli Cove for a couple days.

Sea Otter

Black Rock.....good fishing spot...

Whale Head

Nice days catch....

Bear in our back lagoon...

Orca breaching 

Sea Lions on rocks

Humpback tail....means he is diving and won't see him for a while.

POW island in the far distance

Adding on new porch on cabin. (LR, Zach and JR)

Sailboat Gary with nice Halibut (and the boy)

Fall mushrooms.....good eating....

Lantern net...with "shooter" size oysters 

Fruits of our labors

JR....cleaning oysters

Flip/ Flop bags

The "Boy" of the conehead clan

Zach clacking clams after morning dig.

Lion Mane jelly fish

Dungeness Crabs.....for supper tonight

Eagle snatched a fish 

Ling cod 

Fawn in road "thinks it is hide from us"

Sitka Blacktail with momma

Eagle on our wood pile....picture taken from inside the house through the window.

Sunfish (oyster eating vilan)

Bear hunters

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Cruise Ship in Clarence Straight heading north from Ketchikan, AK

Stream running into Clarence Straight at low tide.

Linn picking fiddle head ferns.

Couple Bear eating fiddle head ferns along road.....Linn chased them off....she wanted the ferns...

JR sorting oysters

Zach humping lantern net...full of plump oysters.

Morning catch of "Silvers" Dad, JR and LR

The "Boy" on point with Humpback breaching off the bow.

Humpback Whale breaching beside the skiff. 

JR....the Bear hunter

Linn with King Crabs (for supper)

Chanterelle mushroons

Dad with nice Ling Cod....

Dad loved hiking around the back lagoon.

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous place!!!!!!! Eagles on your porch? Chasing bear, watching whales? You are living the life. And, glad to see Lynn enjoying time there. He told me stories of his trip there on one of my visits.

    WHAT A LIFE!!!!! You guys stay up there long enough so I can come visit, okay? :)

