Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sitka's..... Alaska Raptor Center

As promised, more from the fascinating island/city of Sitka.  We visited the:

The center rescues, repairs, rehabilitates, and hopefully releases over 200 birds a year.  They have treated everything from a hummingbird on up.  Other states send birds here for help.  It was amazing.

We met one of the permanent resident eagles (and handlers) close up.   This female has a deformed beak and can't feed herself in the wild so no release.

 The oldest eagle, Volta, a male has been here since tangling with a power line back in 1982.

Peregrine Falcon

Red Tailed Hawk

A Golden Eagle with a broken wing. He has created more new residents than any other raptors here. He gets wild eagles or  ravens trying to steal his food.   Reportedly Goldens have 2000 lb/sq. in. pressure in their talons, enough to crush bones.

There were several resident owls as well.   Seems owls continue to take on autos even though they typically lose.

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