Saturday, June 23, 2012

Just a Four Bear Day

Summer is making it's brief appearance in SE Alaska.  Yesterday the temp. got to 76.  Today is supposed to be as nice - then it will be Fall _ hope it lasts longer but no guarantees.  We have learned to get outside while we can.
JR and Zach packed up and moved South - to Naussak Bay where a friend has a remoter cabin!  They will check on that guy's oysters, dig clams, shrimp, and fish.   Yes, a real change from here!
Lar and I were motoring around in a different cove, checking out possible oyster line sites when we saw today's bear.  The first one was a shaggy, young guy just sitting in the grass - makes you wonder about the properties of our grass!  We turned off the motor and got really close, but no camera, sorry to say.  I could count his freckles!We had quite a stare down before he ambled away.
Next we went in to our favorite bear haunt, the lagoon.  The sow we saw this time only had two cubs.  She would eat some grass, nudge a cub, take another bite, nudge the second cub.  I bet she was glad she only had two.  We couldn't believe that there are two bear families living so close together.
I couldn't believe we didn't have our camera.  While watching the mama bear with her two cubs, a salmon jumped, and an eagle swooped down and caught a fish!  I could have gotten all those iconic Alaskan scenes in the same picture.  Now there is a missed opportunity.
We are gearing up to bring in our fuel supply.  That is a story for another day.  We need a new system for it.


  1. Its been hot here 90s. Finally got some rain. The corn was curling up. Could still use alot more. The grass is turning yellow & crispy. But that's summer in Indiana, although dryer.

  2. Yeah, 76 would be LOVELY. It was 102 again today. At least there was a good breeze AND we spent the day at the new outdoor pool at our local YMCA. We're not members, but all families in the area get to come one time for free as part of their good will. We all know how we LOVE FREE!!
