Friday, June 15, 2012

More Whale Tales

What a great start to the morning.  What a great place to be.
It was 4:30 a.m.  We awoke to the sounds of JR on the balcony calling and  loud CRACKS from the water.  Was the float breaking apart?  No.
It was two whales near the mouth of our cove making the sound of a rifle crack with their whole bodies as they belly smacked down on the water after propelling all 15 tons and 50 odd feet of blubber up into the air and then CRACK!  Landing fully against the surface then diving to jump out and do it again.
Breaching it is called.  Scientists and naturalist speculate but don't really know why whales do this and other fascinating behaviors.  Jole da vive I would call it.  Love of life.
They continued to jump as they moved out of sight around the point.  Soon all that was left was that cracking splash sound.  We live for moments like this, even if they come at 4:30 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting, wish I could have seen it. You truly live in God's Country. Keep living the Dream. Thank u for sharing it with us.
